I dug this movie.
I was on a plane out to California to do some high-altitude hiking in the Cascades. I’d brought my laptop so I could watch something worthwhile (I was leaning towards Punisher: War Zone to amuse the old bat sitting to my right who kept stealing glances at my screen). But then ‘Salmon Fishing in the Yemen’ came on. I hadn’t seen it…and Lasse Halstrom has been pretty consistent in the past plus I tend to like Ewan McGregor whenever he’s not wielding a lightsaber.

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is a pleasant surprise. It’s funny, sweet and a little sad – but also a bit hopeful in the end. The movie’s main plot revolves around a billionaire sheik who loves fly fishing. He spends the hot Summers on an estate outside of London (while managing the affairs of his vast oil empire in the Yemen whenever he’s not waving a stick at the water). He’s a master fisherman; well schooled in the ancient art. And he sees fishing as a metaphor for the restoration of faith across the Middle East. The sheik (charmingly portrayed by Egyptian heavy Amr Waked of “Syriana” fame) hires a major English consulting firm to oversee the $50 million creation of a salmon fishing stream near his dam in Yemen. And they predictably scoff at the notion: salmon require cold water, after all, and why would a bunch of dune hoppers be interested in fly rods and hip waders? Last time anyone checked, the Orvitz store in downtown Riyadh wasn’t doing so hot.

Ewan McGregor plays Dr. Alfred Jones, a salmon fisheries expert who suffers from Asperger’s (the condition is played softly here with Ewan portrayed merely as difficult and socially awkward). He’s assigned to assist ministry consultant Harriet (Emily Blunt) as a co-project manager overseeing the lofty plan. Putting additional pressure on the project is the Prime Minister’s unscrupulous Press Secretary (a typically shrill Kristin Scott Thomas) who tows an uncomfortable line between approval ratings and personal ambition. There are half a dozen smaller sub-plots (failed marriages, tribal politics, inter-office backstabbing) but the only one that really plays into the tale is Harriet’s boyfriend who goes Missing in Action when his chopper crashes in Afghanistan.
The plot probably has a dozen beats…and, to be fair, all of them work except the last one. It’s not enough to ruin the experience…but the way the missing boyfriend’s tale is worked into the climax feels forced and the film would’ve been the stronger for cutting it altogether.
But that aside, there’s little to criticize here. The performances range from great (Ewan and Amr) to passable (Emily Blunt who seems a little uncomfortable in her own skin). The cinematography is rich and lush – exactly what you’d come to expect from a Lasse Halstrom movie. And the movie works best when it uses fishing as a metaphor for man’s eternal search for faith (and the will to keep hoping even when failures seem to give you every reason to quit).

And now a word about Emily Blunt. What’s the fucking deal with her? Where does the interest come from? Sure, she mostly gets it done here – but I just don’t see how she’s become a name in such a short period of time (her performances barely seem to stand out). Was it her legendary turn in Gnomeo & Juliet? Did she really serve The Adjustment Bureau in some way that makes people want to see her in more shit? How does she keep getting cast? If they need a prim brit with decent locks, they should cast Rebecca Hall who manages to take roles and allow them to grow larger than what’s put on the page – and that’s my big gripe with Blunt…other than having a decent last name, not a one of her roles has ever evolved into more than the script calls for. It’s almost an apathy that should be unforgivable. Hell, it’s probably why audiences abandoned Jim Caviezel….people love talent but they hate lazy.
That aside, I give Salmon Fishing in the Yemen a solid three fists. It’s not Halstrom’s best…but it’s quirky and sweet enough to be worthy of a date night watch.

Yeah, Emily’s an odd one….she totally looks like she’d roll her big dumbo ceiling eyes at you as you pop between her hanging slop-udders.
I did enjoy her in that Colin Hanks magician joint though…she’s like the perfect seductive bitch you’d love to get stuck in a motel room with.
It seems like everything would be a burden for her…. “You want me to jerk you off? Doesn’t your own hand feel the same? FIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. But cum quick.”
Yeah – she’s a poor man’s Rose Byrne without the eurotrash hotness and air of saucy pretension and disdain.
Yeah it looked odd for her to pop up in that Five-Year Engagement thing, she comes off like she’d be disgusted by that kind of film.
But Rose Byrne? Nawww….after Insidious, she should’ve Sanduskied a shotgun up her own asshole. She’ll never be interesting again. She’s like the bland Shannyn Sossamon.
It’s difficult to find a woman that comes off like a human being these days. They’re all so bizarrely alien.
Yeah, that’s weird though….just hearing about it I don’t like the idea of the missing boyfriend in this….from the trailer, it looked to be two lonely people dedicated to their work that have this magical experience in a foreign land with one another.
The only baggage I wanna see on Emily are her hanging tits.
It takes away from it a bit and leads up to the one thing in the movie I don’t dig – but the rest is solid.
And as for magic in a foreign land…it’s Yemen. The only kind of magic they have is flying carpets and camel spiders. What a shitbox.
Yeah, I know….but I’m picturing LASSE-LAND…..where abortions are aphrodisiacs and Juliette Binoche shits magical chocolate.
Yeah, what the fuck…did Koutch make this?
I love that land. Except in that strange realm, some googly eyed hobbit fuck named Tobey has been inside Charlize Theron. And I won’t keep an address in any zip code where that could happen.
THe only reason I’ll go see Expendables 2 is so I can write another review exposing it as the gay comedy it is. I hear Jet Li is back as the “chink twink” in this one again.
I’m betting he lets Dolph go bareback this time around.
Well yeah, but remember Tobez got it cause her main man was gay and he had a non-functioning cock after the war.
“I was on a plane out to California to do some high-altitude hiking in the Cascades. ”
Dude…that is SO fucking Mitt Romney.
Let me guess…you’re one of those fucking poor.
They should turn you all into crackers. Tiny green, edible crackers.
Hehehe….not even one of those poor PEOPLE….it’s just a THING in and of itself, “MIND YOUR INVESTMENTS WILLARD, YOU DON’T WANNA END UP ‘A POOR’.”
And FUCK…now I’ll be known as someone that defends that pencil-dick Daniel Tosh. That wasn’t my intention when I woke up this morning.
Jesus…defending Tosh? Next, you’ll tell me you quietly enjoy buttfucking starving orphans.
I just realized Lazenby is the closest we’ll get to a Clive Owen Bond. He looks exactly like the motherfucker in the ski scene.
This thing looks nice as shit in HD.
There’s such a crazy attention to detail and authentic grit to this movie….it’s probably the most real-world feeling of all Bonds. The car chase through the Swiss village for instance, you never see shit like that….everything always feels stagey.
Owen would’ve been an interesting Bond. He’s the only good part of The Killer Elite (fuck the rest of that cast for phoning it in).
Yeah Blunt doesn’t do it for me. Who’s that gash in the Hellboy movies? She’s alright. I’d let her piss on my molars.
That fucking ski chase in Majesty’s is killer.
Expect that film to be Nolan’s template when he takes over Bond.
I agree….I’m thinkin’ it’s gonna go something like this…
That explosion on the luge track, when Kojack throws the fucking grenade at him….Jesus, such an epic practical stunt. It looks like the dude fucking dies when he flies off the track.
It’s funny how Rammstein music calms me.
Also I bet Rammstein is probably the basis behind Metalocalypse.
Oh thank god. Prometheus didn’t even make its budget back domestic. Remember that movie?
Yeah I flushed $30 down the drain directly after seeing it to make up for not doing that initially.
What’s a Prometheus? Sounds like shit.
Also…why doesn’t anyone give a fuck about X-Men movies?
2000 X-Men Bryan Singer $296,339,527
2003 X2: X-Men United Bryan Singer $407,711,549
2006 X-Men: The Last Stand Brett Ratner $459,359,555
2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine Gavin Hood $373,062,864
2011 X-Men: First Class Matthew Vaughn $348,529,513
They make reliable money but they’re generally pretty forgettable. The only one I find myself rewatching is “Origins” which most people shit on (but has grown on me over time). The rest I could take or leave.
Like really, nothing fucking touches this….not even Batman.
2002 Spider-Man $821,708,551
2004 Spider-Man 2 $783,766,341
2007 Spider-Man 3 $890,871,626
How do you have three fucking posts up on the Top 5 now?
I thought people come to this dump for me.
Speaking of Bill Murray…there’s a new rumor coming out each week about Ghostbusters 3. Am I the only fuck that fully supports his decision to not do it? I don’t see how GB3 would benefit him at all…no one’s really clamoring for it – most insiders view it as a Dan Akroyd money grab…and Bill’s career is in a semi-decent place since Wes Anderson keeps giving him pity roles in whatever quirky, pretentious shit he’s working on. Why even bother? And the rumors about putting Sean William Scott and Seth Rogen in it? Christ….it sounds about as funny as crib death.
Yeah…it’s weird, other than Wes shit, I haven’t given a fuck about anything Bill has done since Translation…and before that was what? The Man Who Knew Too Little in ’97…he can drop dead tomorrow and I wouldn’t notice.
That being said, that FDR erotic thriller with Laura Linney does look pretty good…
All I know is…Aline Brosh McKenna, SIT ON MY FUCKING FACE.
Thank you Wayne Gretzky.
God whose gonna die first? Dennis Dugan or Ridley Scott?
And who will have the better legacy in the end?
And will one of you retards explain to me why the fuck my dryer keeps tripping the circuit breaker. Preferably someone who owns a dryer.
I used to own a nice ass LG set….lost em in the divorce.
And stop fucking replying directly to things….it’s confusing as shit.
How the fuck can anyone even find it?
HEHEHEHE. Yeah…anyone who pays for a non-Tron 3D movie is a fucking retard.
BAH what the fuck? How did this shit get here? That’s it, I’m deleting the whole fucking thing.
OHHH jesus you are using the phone app and I’m actually on my computer. FUCK!
Maybe this’ll set it straight.
I look forward to Moonrise Kingdom. Always enjoyed Bill, even if he had a couple late 80s early 90s movies where it seemed like he was simply “being Bill Murray.” Like Quick Change.
Meanwhile, I am veinous and throbbing over TDKR in a week.
Eh Moonrise Kingdom mostly blows. It’s for die hard Wes Anderson fans who probably also dig kiddie porn.
Also I’m pretty sure I saw the grown up version of the main kid working at some shitty mexican restaurant down the street….so he has that to look forward to.
Just a reminder. It’s summer, and if your trips to the beach don’t look like this, you’re doing summer wrong.
Hey look, Super-8 is happening for realz http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/11/12677802-freight-train-derailment-explosion-in-ohio-prompts-mile-wide-evacuation?lite
Teddy Roosevelt??? The blood running through my cock is at a rolling boil.
Yeah you seen Billy as FD in that new Kings Speech sequel?
Yeah shes too fucking old now. Got the hole dug for her already.
This makes me want Charlize even more. Bitch is secretly trailer trash who knows how to laugh and FUCK.
Well isn’t she from a third world country to begin with?
Superman III is on. Jesus this thing is a piece of shit. I fucking hate Pryor.
Yeah that movie’s mostly dogshit and makes part 4 almost seem ok. Pryor fucked that flick. I like Supes fighting his own shabby self though.
Yeah….after about a half hour, Pryor pretty much fucks off for good. All the dickhead Superman shit is played pretty well by Mason Verger. And I like the whacky sci-fi shit with the cyborg bitch at the end.
Overall….it’s much better than part 2 actually. I guess i spoke too soon and put the cunt before the horse, but I really do fucking despise Pryor.
Also….I liked Annette O’Toole stepping in for ole’ Piss Tooth. Much easier on the eyes….and the single mother angle was interesting.
No one gives a fuck about old Superman, even Margot Kidder thinks she was Val Kilmer’s love interest.
Yeah…I don’t like this weird old vampy hag thing they’re pushing with Charlize now that she’s over the hill. She’s too soulless to have any interest in physical intimacy.
Alright you fucking cunts I’m going to start watching Breaking Bad. You better be right.
Charlize? SHE’S FUCKING 36!! She’s in her prime.
And Breaking Bad? That shit got boring fast. I couldn’t get through Season 2.
I’m not talking the number….people in their 50s can be in their prime…
Bitch’s just worn down and used up.
Fuck her.
Yeah, unless he’s Malcolm’s quirky dad….Cranston can go fuck himself.
Koutch is the only one that still pretends that cheap looking shit is something special.
And the thing about Breaking Bad…why isn’t he fucking dead yet? Wasn’t the whole point the idea that this ordinary guy turns to drugs cause uhhhh….he only has a short time to sort out his family’s finances?
Dying of TERMINAL lung cancer for 5 years? FUCK YOU.
Yeah show is solid. The first season is still the best. Dannys never seen it so don’t listen to him. Only titles that abbreviate to BB matter, this and Blue Bloods.
Oh and Hell On Wheels.
I’ve seen three episodes….one of them was that BIG FUCKING FINALE Odo convinced me to watch.
it’s an embarrassment. The money they supposedly spend on each episode is fucking mind boggling. Where the fuck does the cash go?
Glad the internet has started to forget it exists.
Yeah your opinion on Breaking Bad is about as useful as someone who only saw Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter in 3D. It’s just fucking useless. At least Scott was man enough to have a valid opinion on it.
Now shut the fuck up and watch Blue Bloods.
And I love the argument that I just so happened to watch the three WORST episodes of the entire show, and i just gotta ‘stick with the whole season for it to pay off’.
You know, I get big arcs….I get season-long builds, that’s fine. But I’m not stupid. I know a shit production when I see one. I know when a show has overstayed its welcome and entire episodes solves nothing and draaaaaaaaaag themselves along just to fill a fucking season order.
Fuck everything about Cranston post-2006. IF HE WAS AN ANIMAL….HE’D BE A LAME-O-GATOR!!!!
Yeah again…worthless. Call me when you’ve at least tried the first few episodes. Either way the last season of Mad Men was finally something for that show to give a shit about.
And regardless how you feel about BB, Blue Bloods and Hell on Wheels are the sloppy tits you’ve been looking for.
Oh and Walt ended up beating cancer sometime in the middle of season 5.
Abraham Lincoln was in 3D?
Yeah read any free movie going critic who saw it. Same ole pussy bullshit.
You’ve been invited to a free screening of BLAH BLAH in 3D for an early preview.
And one of you retards explain to me why my dryer keeps tripping my circuit breaker. Preferable someone who owns a dryer, which automatically eliminates 90% of our readership.
Hhehehe…so that’s it? Walt’s CANCER FREE!!!!!
Ohhhhh….the drama. Such EPIC drama.
Hrmmmm maybe now?
OK good jesus.
FUCK, need to finish Take This Waltz, shits been putting me to sleep faster than a LOTR discussion.
God why is every online help thing from 2004-2006? I figure that’s about the time the internet stopped being actively useful.
The heating element on your dryer is probably overheating. If its not a backed lint trap, then it’s the thermal resistors (they switch on/off the heating element). When those got fucked up, they can’t switch off the heating coils and will cause overheating which can trip the circuit breakers. Werd.
Heheh…I told you The Cheetoh knows what’s up….that’s why I just re-financed my car through the ‘SCOTT IN DC SAVINGS & LOAN’. No one else could compete with his rates and hassle free DMV transfer.
EPIC!!! And Brody was there as well.
Alright….listening to this RISES score for a full 36 hours, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s NOT as good as TDK.
I mean, not to say it’s bad….obviously it still kills 95% of the shit out there, the signature Zimmer cues we know from this series still tear the panties off…..the giant fucking rise in DESPAIR sounds like it’s gonna be one bad ass fucking reveal. I’m hoping that’s the first time we see Batman and it’s like 30 minutes before the end.
But as far as color and complexity and the spirit of the villains woven throughout the whole piece as TDK was….Rises is lacking. This has more of an underlying sense of longing, but there’s nothing that comes close to the tragedy of WATCH THE WORLD BURN on TDK. Maybe it was Howard’s contribution….but TDK had a sophistication about it. The score feels like a fucking opera, there’s an ethereal emotional punch, tracks blend seamlessly and it feels like one giant cohesive piece. Rises is much more fragmented. Sure we’ve got Bane’s big piece GOTHAM’S RECKONING, which is awesome and perfectly Bernard Hermann-esque, it played really well in the IMAX prologue, but that’s sorta it. I don’t really feel much of that flavor trickle in and out of the rest of it, there’s a little of that Bane chant stuff, but it’s very minimal….which is a good thing, cause it’d get fucking annoying if it was used much more. But still…it’s surprising, how faint the Bane vibe is in this…considering how much he seems to come into play in the story. I know this is obviously the abridged version of the score, as they all are….but surely they included all the major pieces. So we get a few new pieces, but nothing that sticks with you like TDK shit. It’s mostly just reworkings of previous music. I mean, UNDERGROUND ARMY is hard as fuck, but it’s mostly a Jan Hammer/Tangerine Dream remix of previous work. For me, LIKE A DOG CHASING CARS and INTRODUCE A LITTLE ANARCHY are pretty much the gold standard of the modern action film. So fucking heavy, so fucking textured, so fucking triumphant, and neither of them are over 5 minutes. People are making a big deal of Rises’ IMAGINE THE FIRE, cause it’s so fucking long….but most of that shit is just typical electric percussion based action stuff, the same as everything these days….it’s so much like Zimmer clones, Hans even uses some sped-up Scorponok/Transformers shit at 2:40. So major chunks sounds like filler that could’ve been done by a Steve Jablonsky-type, and probably were. Maybe that’s the difference….Hans handed the filler work to his minions, shit that would usually be handled by Howard. Whatever the case, it’s a little bit of a letdown. Yeah…it’s Zimmer, so of course it’s good….and it’s mostly dependent on all the same Dark Knight shit we love, so of course of course it’s good….but as far as taking risks, and REALLY trying something different and giving us some fresh bangers we haven’t heard, it’s a little lacking.
And as good as some of the new builds are, nothing comes close to this….
At 4:20 it just fucking bleeds of a desperate hero…..then ends with a hint of that subconscious Joker feedback…..then back into the classic piano work….
There’s just nothing in the new stuff that has that kinda flow. It’s much more abrasive and predictable. Which some could probably argue is the whole point.
Still though, I can’t help but compare the scores and hope that’s not wholly indicative of the quality/impact of the film.
And the great SCORPONOK, with that grating bass thing that pops up in IMAGINE THE FIRE at 2:40.
I know Hans did some music for Trans, so maybe that bit was always his. It seems all these Hans underlings are cross pollinating their jizz wads these days, Harry-Gregson, Streitenfeld, Jablonsky, and a few others…..which is fine, but also part of the reason it all starts to sound the same.
Oh yeah X-Men First Class was a total Inception ripoff. Bahahah I saw that movie. But did I even see that movie?
Was that Scorponok track even in Transformers? I don’t remember that shit showing up in the movie.
And if you’re going to accuse Hans of ripping himself off you should have used Black Rain as an example. The first half of “Imagine the Fire” is pretty much “Molossus” mixed with the last minute of this…
Biggest bummer about the TDKR soundtrack is that “Why do we Fall?” is basically a build up to nothing. After hearing the sample I was expecting something truly impressive.
Actually I take that back. Biggest bummer is that the music from the MTV spot/Nokia trailer apparently isn’t in the movie!! Though apparently the end credit music is being help back until next week so it might show up there.
Oh and Danny liked the Breaking Bad finale he saw just fine. He’s totally bullshitting everyone. I was there.
The X-Men movies were never great moneymakers. That’s why FOX was so notoriously cheap with them and treated Singer like shit. They couldn’t see the bigger picture.
The sad thing is that it’s a franchise that could have easily been making Spiderman money by now if they hadn’t gotten so lazy with the third. Earning back the goodwill they lost with The Last Stand and Wolverine is going to be an uphill battle. If they had gone with Singer’s original plan of doing 3 and 4 back to back in the same year and focusing on The Dark Phoenix saga the 4th would have done a billion easy. Especially if they were both good of course.
I know what you mean about that WHY DO WE FALL build. The samples overall were actually much more impressive.
And no movie starring Hugh Jackman will ever get anywhere near a billion, unless of course he had a minor supporting role in GAMBIT: THE MOVIE! starring worldwide sensation Taylor Kitsch.
What it builds to isn’t necessarily bad. It’s okay. I was just expecting better.
How come nobody ever named a band Sugarclit?
Yah the wife and I are handy…her dad builds houses for a living and she grew up helping and I’ve got handyman skills – I’m just worthless on car engines. Dryers? Passable. I’ve broken mine before.
How does it feel being your height with a cock that long?
Are you getting the notification emails for these posts?
Ohhhh god.
Fucking repulsive.
I dunno…I think it’s kind of nice they gave work to an AIDS patient.
I would’ve been okay with the great Cillian Murphy in the role.
Maybe in about 10 years time he can be Q to Benjamin Walker’s Bond.
Oh yeah the Black Rain score is the original Hans Batman score…..never noticed that before.
But yeah that Batman 7 score from what I heard was nice, but it didn’t really have any banggers compared to the first 6.
Also have you noticed how cheesy the toys for it are? That’s usually not a good sign.
Oldman was on Kimmel last night talking about how secret the scripts are. They are on red paper so you can’t copy them, serial numbered and water marked with the actors name. I wonder if only Oldman/Cain/Bale were given mostly complete scripts? Everyone else had to read daily made cue cards, and no way is C Nols trusting Freeman with shit.
I wonder how much Bales script will go for at an auction for charity?
Eh it feels kind of out there but with the way cunts spoil just about every movie now, Nolan has to play it close to the vest. I’m somewhat impressed by how well he’s managed to keep some details unknown despite all the trailers and the amount of people working on the movie itself. But then, he changes virtually the entire production team every 3-4 weeks so no one has a full view of the film.
Yeah…I think even though it seems like there’s so much material out there, it’s still a very small portion of the film, what we’ve seen. It’s pretty fucking crazy how minimal the plot details still are, Bane comes to Gotham to cause class wars….there’s a big fucking riot…at some point Bane knows Batman’s identity….Bane fucks up Batman’s mask….Catwoman is helping out Batman….the end.
I mean, compare that to some Amazing Spider-Man bullshit, something so paper-thin where literally ever decent moment of the film WAS in all the marketing, and the trailers pretty much tell the entire story from start to finish. There’s zero surprise, no set-pieces we haven’t seen. It’s all fucking there.
Well, they weren’t THAT careful….remember, I saw that production breakdown last year, that listed Liam as Ra’s al Dumb Fuck for a few days.
Yeah I just remember how I felt about Inception prior to seeing it, and then how no reviewer could really get their shit straight and how pretty much nothing was given away in the trailers…..yet it was all there. I’m not too worried about that.
I just wanna see what these fucking scripts look like? And how fucking paranoid is Nolan about leeks? How did he even write them/print them?
It almost would be funnier if he just fucking hand wrote everything the night before and handed out these shitty looking hand written notes as to what peoples dialog/action where going to be that day.
I would like to see the process a little bit….maybe not too much, but to see how it all comes together. Because if you don’t know the fucking end….how the fuck do you know how to act out scenes with the right emotion?
Like what if in the end fucking Cain kills Batman? Like Batman is so bad he asks Cain to mercy fuck him…i mean kill him. And Cain’s like….ohhhh had I know THAT was coming down the lie I would’ve worn my pants more often on set.
Hhhhmmm…I never heard this.
“Coming Soon reports Nolan has confessed that nothing less than Charles Dickens’ classic novel A Tale of Two Cities influenced the development of The Dark Knight Rises. If you haven’t read this hallmark of high school assigned reading, don’t worry, neither had Christopher Nolan. That is until Jonathan—or Jonah as his brother calls him—handed him the first draft of The Dark Knight Rises, which came in around 400 pages and told the director, “You’ve got to think of A Tale of Two Cities which, of course, you’ve read.” Christopher responded, “Absolutely,” but as he read the script and was “a little baffled,” he realized he actually hadn’t ever read the classic. “Then I got it, read it and absolutely loved it and got completely what he was talking about… When I did my draft on the script, it was all about A Tale of Two Cities.”
Speaking on particulars, Jonathan explained he was attracted to Dickens’ portrayal of a society in upheaval over class warfare. “A Tale of Two Cities was, to me, one of the most harrowing portrait of a relatable, recognizable civilization that completely folded to pieces with the terrors in Paris in France in that period. It’s hard to imagine that things can go that badly wrong.” “
Isn’t there some epic marching through the streets scene in Tale? Where the wine barrels break and the streets run red? I skipped around most that book back in high school.
Yeah, I hope it ends with Batman sacrificing himself after reciting this entire monologue:
I see Barsad, … Defarge, The Vengeance [a lieutenant of Madame Defarge], … long ranks of the new oppressors who have risen on the destruction of the old, perishing by this retributive instrument, before it shall cease out of its present use. I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss, and, in their struggles to be truly free, in their triumphs and defeats, through long years to come, I see the evil of this time and of the previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation for itself and wearing out.
I see the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy, in that England which I shall see no more. I see Her with a child upon her bosom, who bears my name. I see her father, aged and bent, but otherwise restored, and faithful to all men in his healing office, and at peace. I see the good old man [Mr. Lorry], so long their friend, in ten years’ time enriching them with all he has, and passing tranquilly to his reward.
I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. I see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day. I see her and her husband, their course done, lying side by side in their last earthly bed, and I know that each was not more honoured and held sacred in the other’s soul, than I was in the souls of both.
I see that child who lay upon her bosom and who bore my name, a man winning his way up in that path of life which once was mine. I see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his. I see the blots I threw upon it, faded away. I see him, fore-most of just judges and honoured men, bringing a boy of my name, with a forehead that I know and golden hair, to this place—then fair to look upon, with not a trace of this day’s disfigurement—and I hear him tell the child my story, with a tender and a faltering voice.
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.
Hhhhmmm…thinking about it now, I’ll be the first to say it.
RISES wins Best Picture
Mmmm I dunno. The Academy has some weird dislike of Nolan. I think they somehow know that he secretly hates Jews.
Yeah I’m hoping Dannys walks out of Batman 7 screaming, “I SHOULD’VE SAW VAMPIRE HUNTER AGAIN!”
Speaking of which…i DO need to go watch it again. And if any of you claim it sucked, you can gargle my fucking marbles. Abe was GODDAMN AMERICAN.
Yeah I need to watch Van Helsing again, I can’t see why i didn’t like becuase its impossible not to like an SS film. And while I’m at it I need to see his Jungle Book.
Jungle Book and Huck Finn are both fucking excellent….his finest works.
I hope Odd Thomas doesn’t ruin him. It seems a little small for the range of his seed.
This looks clean as fuck….love that aspect change.
I predict Dickblood will not like Rises. Call it an odd feeling. I almost feel myself like I’ve built it up so much in my own head that no film will be able to cut it.
But then I realize it’s Nolan. All is well.
Well yeah I’m either seeing Abe again or To Rome With Love this weekend.
My AO sunglasses came today. America.
Spent most of the day bummed out due to the casting of that little cunt-sop as Q in SkyFall.
This was my pick for Q:
Hehehe that Louie episode where he goes out on a date with Melissa Leo is probably how Dannys last 3 dates have gone.
Yeah that casting for Q is sad…he looks like one of those cum-catchers from The Big Bang Theory.
Tis a sad day in negrodom.
The new Oz looks like the 5 millionth abortion Disney’s pumped out in the last 3 years. It almost looks like a beat for beat remake of the horrible Burton Alice in Wonderland.
Honestly, I wonder if the Disney execs go watch Lorax and Despicable Me and just quietly dream of the entire Pixar staffing dying in a traffic accident.
The truth is Pixar isn’t fit to sniff Illumination Entertainment’s balls. Those guys are making some tight shit….Pixar is spewing our crap like Brave that didn’t resonate with a single fucking child.
If you just compare box office to budget, is Taylor Kitsch the worst casting bet of all time? And don’t try and throw in X-Men cuz he has maybe four lines.
Battleship, John Carter…and now he and that horse faced twat Blake Lively have ruined Oliver Stone.
Taylor’s parents must be so proud. No wonder they won’t let him back into Canada.
He’s Canadian? BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA fucking explains everything.
Ed Helms…just go fuck yourself.
I like the look of OZ. There was that one fucking wide shot reveal of Oz with the lake and the colorful garden looking thing that looked similar to Alice and that’s it. The rest of it looks similar why? Cause it’s fucking fantasy with green-screen work?
Michelle looks cool, Kunis looks like her normal soulless cunt self.
Overall, it’ll probably look more realistic than that piece of shit The Hobbit you’ll all be bobbing on.
I wish Raimi nothing but success.
And Franco was a good choice, they dodged a fucking bullet shit-canning mega douchebag Downey. Franco actually looks like he still enjoys the process of filmmaking.
This is interesting…
I’m gonna carve this into HOD’s fucking headstone…
GOD just think one week from right now it’ll only be 12 more hours until I’m an hour into my 164 minute descent into oblivion.
I will fuck with the lights on that night.
So how many high priced Hawaiian whores do the IMAX people send up to Chris’ room whenever he’s in town?
We’re trying to set up comments via email….stay tuned, mofos.
Bahahahah pathetic.
I dig the new Oz trailer, feels like a more though out fleshed out world. Franco is looking good.
Only thing I didn’t like was the hand at the end….why the fuck did that have to be CGI? When it does get too overly CGI like Alice it’s just boring. I like that funky mix of CGI and real.
That hand was fucking stupid looking…
And yeah, I saw the Mondo piece of shit the other day and I meant to ask you how long it to you to make.
The new Oz has the worst use of greenscreen I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s also a fucking prequel just like Alice. I think they mentioned how they were trying to replicate the success of Alice in the fucking Disney press release. So yeah, sorry if it reminded me of it.
That Mondo poster is even funnier if you’re familiar with the artists abysmal comic book work. Of all the artists they could have found to draw it they picked him? BWHAHAHAHHAHA.
It is pretty fucking horrible.
Alice was a sequel.
Oh that’s right. It was a rip-off of a Hook.
Man, at least one of us should be forced to attend ComicCon. If for no other reason than to fuck as many fat greasy chicks as possible and report back.
Just because
So just finished watching Home On The Range, the one Disney animated film I hadn’t seen and I’m probably the first person ever to watch it.
It’s a slight film, odd to sort of explain. I can see where it’s easy to write off….but this is pre Avengers Disney, but this was CGI takeover period. And yeah this was just the wrong sort of movie to really generate interest in hand drawn animation. But the animation in the movie is fantastic….it’s the story that’s lacking. I wish the animation had been this good on Atlantis.
Like the way the movie is, it reminds me of one of those mid 90s Disney knock off/wannabe films ones that never connected with the audience and the animation was never as good as a Disney movie, and they also were more cutsy and not as dramatic as a Disney animated movie and sort of annoying to watch. Usually they would boost a bunch of former stars in the lead roles. It’s like that…but not annoying, it’s smooth like hot butter on your balls like all Disney animated movies, you know what I’m saying though? How Disney animated movies just flow so well and are so well put together and it’s fun and cutsy and not annoying. It flirts with the edge a bunch (the kung fu cow stuff toward the end) but I mean it’s just there to make you smile and love life. Just the story is sort of odd and it’s not really dramatic. And the voice cast was Rosanne Barr, Randy Quaid, Judy Dench, Jennifer Tilly and Steve Buscemi has like three lines.
Overall it was nice, it’s just a nice movie. I could see where kids may like it…but what fucking weird kid likes cows? Also the Rosanne Barr/Judi Dench team up was just odd.
THE one thing I really liked about it and made me realize why I really liked early Pixar movies like Toy Story/Cars/Bugs Life was how fucking American it was. I sat there and thought man pretty much since The Great Mouse Detective all Disney animated films have taken place outside of America, except for maybe Brother Bear but that movie felt very Canadian to me. Home On The Range is America. So I really dug that and it’s some of the nicest hand drawn computer effects integrated stuff I’ve seen, some lovely sweeping landscapes very Ford like. Between this and Treasure Planet I wish Disney hadn’t given up hand drawn, Princess and the Frog was nice but that was a lot of shit we had seen before animation wise and story wise.
So yeah if you love America then yeah you should at least check it out, and if you love Disney animated films you should see it. I just didn’t fall in love with it which is why it’s only a slight Disney film.
God I hope this is still his head shot:
Wasnt Winnie The Pooh hand drawn? Yup you can’t go wrong.
I’m having trouble viewing this poster over my THROBBING ERECTION.