Earlier today, Hawaiian Organ Donor and I were emailing back and forth about films, as we often do. ‘Cutthroat Island’ came up and I professed my love for it, explaining ‘It’s everything I wanted in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie’.
Moments ago, I received this email in response.
God Bless,
from [HAWAIIAN ORGAN DONOR] (email omitted)
to“D.G. Dickblood” <dannyglovers.dickblood@gmail.com>
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Fuck you, shit film lover. The first PotC was an excelllent film. Went beyond any exepectations. The 2nd and 3rd were such abminations that I want all parties involved to die of the most painful anal cancer ever. But fuck you and everyone else who shits on the first one. This is me drunk, absoultetyly loaded as fuck asfter spending a afternoon drin king with my pops, anyone who shits on the first Pirates but gives the Fantastic Four movies a pass is a right and right ashole. And I hpepe you die. Painfuly you you fuck. erioSly, how can you be be such an assole. i cant even be objective at this point you fucking cretins you motherless shits for brians you fucking people ai wisj I neebever met, how can an asshole be sp objectivbe about TOTAL PIECE OF DSHI iut hate on a good movie with a passion i just dont get
uck youpt and fuck that lazy fuckngh oserse you rode in on
fuck yuot
am i the last obgectibe guy on the pkanet?
just carcked opne beer nuhber ho knows what
this feeeeling rockes i could storm omahaa beach feling this goood and and buletit proof
and I need a piazza
Dead Man’s chest was the only POTC movie worth watching.
I say this a lot but this time I mean it. First Class review is COMING!! To’nite possibly. Stay tuned.
I FUCKING LOVE PIRATES 3. That’s the best movie for NON FANS of the series, because it at least offers the most bat shitty nutty stuff, doesn’t make a lick us since but since you never cared in the first place you revert to just enjoying the mess on screen.
Seriously when I saw it like opening weekend I was the only fuck leaving the backed theater with a big ole smile on my face, everyone else was just fucking pissed and vomiting. I was just like WOW at least I know they spent all that fucking money.
I wasn’t digging the 4th one too much, but thinking about it and I hope its simplier swashbuckling kind of thing could be a pleasant surprise.
Liz Taylor/Richard Burton biopic.
I went to HOD’s house to stage an intervention. We wound up drunk and found ourselves reenacting scenes from our favorite movies.
My favorites were Yentl and Brokeback Mountain.
Pirates 4 was gold…more of a classic swashbuckler style flick.
I have no interest in seeing Pirates 4 as Pirates 2 was such a waste of my time I vowed not to see Pirates 3. It’s a shame because the first one was really the gold.
Yeah, I don’t get what’s good about the first one at all. I don’t think its awful, its just soulless and uninspiring and small. I never understood how that fucking ride translated to fucking undead pirates and star wars characters….because there’s a few skeletons on the ride? Its just stupid. That whole world they created is goofy as fuck. The new one actually looked like the best of the bunch because it seemed to tone down the fanciful bullshit. I think those movies would work better with smaller budgets.
The first one was just okay. Not terrible but nothing memorable about it at all. And to be honest the only reason I like part 2 is because of the special effects and the overkill of the action scenes. 3 is just a piece of shit.
See I liked the first because of the skeletons. It was reminiscent of Harryhausen. And part two had too much CGI, and too much crap action.
But why would anyone want a movie based on the Pirates of Caribbean ride to be like a Harryhausen picture? That’s what makes no sense to me….its like saying ‘I’m glad they added those mummies to the fucking law and order movie’.
The original POTC was better than it deserved to be for two reasons: Geoffrey Rush and Johnny Depp.
I’m not even a Johnny Depp fan and I have to concede he created an iconic character in Capt. Jack Sparrow (and should of left him after one movie before making him a redundant schtick).
How is HOD doing really?
Dead Man’s Chest- favorite of the series despite the serious lack of Rush’s Barbossa.
I watched Piranha 3D last night…..the most unapologetic trash I’ve watched in a decade.
But really..who gives a fuck about Pirates 4 or anything else? This board is about HOD…and his wanton reckless abandon.
Our bodies are temples…HOD’s is an amusement park. And the roller coaster’s coming off the fucking track!
Vader…HOD’s fine. This was a hilarious email thread when he got drunk with his dad. The kind of thread that DEMANDS public scrutiny (and intervention). #PROFESSIONAL
I see no reason to hold an intervention. That would imply that getting drunk and sending emails is something wrong. Hell no. Drink up HOD and fill up cyber space with your opinions for all professionals to read.
Cutthroat Island, the movie that bankrupted Carolco Pictures.
Fuck. Has anyone heard from HOD?
So I just wanted to let everyone know I’m fine. On Saturday I got really good and drunk. I mean, me getting drunk is like a politician tweeting inappropriate pictures of himself to young girls: it happens every other day. But this was an epic kind of drunk. I stumbled around my place mashing whatever crazy nonsense I could into my Blackberry to the AIBN guys and that crazy shit at the top of this thread? Yeah, I don’t remember typing that at all.
My evening ended early and suddenly when I went to piss. I’m standing there at the toilet, dick in one hand, no doubt Blackberry in the other mashing away, and I lost my balance. So I go crashing through the shower curtain, bringing it and the shower rod with me. The sheer force of my fat ass snapped the rod in half and either I passed out on the way down or the rod smacked me on the head and knocked me out, but I woke up approximately 12 hours later wrapped in the curtain and lying in a pool of my own piss.
So there you go. One to tell the grandkids.
Anyways, cheers to everyone. Contrary to how it sounds here, I’m doing OK.
Wait, sooooo…..you never got the pic I emailed back?
This thread has taught me two things: 1.) ‘Pirates’ was a more controversial franchise than I ever realized…I figured at least the first was pretty well liked. And 2.) Some people apparently believe everything they read on the “internets” and don’t understand even the most base sensibilities of satire and self-effacing humor.
But, I shouldn’t mock them. They’re the same ones who keep Len Wiseman employed as a director and purchase action figures even though they’re 40.
God bless ’em.
Yeah, it’s interesting people immediately jump in with an actual POTC discussion.
I blame that slippery fuck Odo.
I mean, who gives a shit about POTC when you got this gold?!
“i could storm omahaa beach feling this goood and and buletit proof”
Next fucking chest tat…in OE.
Well alcoholism makes me depressed so yeah…I used this as a springboard for some Dead Man’s Chest dicksuck. Sue me.
Whoa whoa….who said anything about alcoholism?
I have a little sip each morning, just to make the shakes go away.
HOD the real question is, Is your Dick OK ?? Did it get hurt in the fall ? Did the shower rod take out your rod ? Was your dick still in your hand when you woke up ?
I myself haven’t drank in many a year. I do have other vices though so I’m not trying to act all high and mighty.
Anyone else read The Berg interview at Ginger’s? Totally overrated. There was nothing in it I didn’t already know.
Damn you Odo, I went over to Ginger looking for it. Now I feel dirty, like I need to take a shower to get clean. Who said it here, going to Ginger is like hooking up with your ex while your drunk. Sure, you’re horny and that night is good, but the next morning when you sober up you say to yourself ‘what was i thinking’
Even completely shitfaced no ex of mine has ever agreed to so much as let me touch them so that anology doesn’t really work with me.
Also if you feel dirty reading it just wait till you get to the shithead comments in the TBs. “Spielberg disagrees with Lucas about making changes to a film after the fact? Haha I knew it!! Fuck Lucas!!”
Why did you give up drinking?
Ehhh…don’t want to get into it. It just wasn’t working out.
Also when the fuck is the live chat going to be posted?!?! That shit better be ready soon so I can read it at work.