Enough fucking bullshit, let us begin…
When people call this “Jaws with Wolves”, it does the movie a serious disservice. While wolves do appear (and dispatch plane crash survivors with salivating gusto), the movie isn’t about wolves at all. At its core, the movie is a metaphor: the entirety of the film is really about man’s reckoning with his fate…and how, at the very end of things, we choose who we are. This may well be Liam Neeson’s best acting of his career (or, at worst, easily on par with the highly overrated Schindler’s List) and even the supporting cast make a powerful statement. This is a movie for men – at its purest and most defined. Who are we? Are we defined by our choices or slaves to the machinations of fate? And because the film is really a tragic metaphorical poem (rather than an adventure movie), you could even make a case that none of it happens. I could easily believe that Liam’s professional hunter is merely hallucinating as he lies dying in the snow – inexorably accepting his fate and standing against it as only a man can. Just a great movie that didn’t get enough acclaim and will probably be fucked by the Academy come awards time.
My unexpected favorite of the year (almost tied with The Grey). This one completely caught me off guard. I’ve seen most of “The Mad Russian’s” shit (Nightwatch, Daywatch, Wanted) but this movie just sounded like a dead project that wouldn’t translate to the big screen. I can happily now say I was 100% wrong. It translates just fine. The genius of this version of Abe isn’t in the fight sequences (which don’t break new ground) but in the quieter moments. The courtship of Mary Todd. The loss of his son. His friendships that defined him throughout his final years. The Underground Railroad. They’re all seamlessly integrated into an incredibly off-kilter tale about a man who finds a life purpose (killing bloodsuckers), turns away from it realizing that the nation itself is also bleeding and ultimately sees both purposes converge in an epic struggle that defined a country. There is beauty in this film – perhaps even more than Spielberg’s snooze-fest, Bekmambetov realized that Lincoln wasn’t defined just by his speeches or stature, but by the choices he made. And that’s where this movie proves to be a winner – it focuses on a man who made righteous choices that weren’t always politically expedient (and ignoring his oceans of self doubt and moral compromises) but forged ahead in spite of tremendous odds and overwhelming opposition.
The best true horror yarn in years, Daniel Radcliffe successfully shrugs off his Harry Potter franchise-faggotry and does a very solid film that’s brilliant in its eerie gothic creepiness. You have to watch this movie more than once to see all that’s going on in the background in every scene – most of which will give you the heebie jeebies. To the true horror aficionado, elements of the wonderful Peter Straub chiller “Ghost Story” can be found (perhaps even borrowed) – with the restless spirit of a wounded soul ferociously seeking vengeance against those who abandoned her; but the movie stands on its own for abandoning the clichéd trappings of J-horror and finding its own unique voice (The Others would be the closest recent example of another film doing this successfully). The cast is pitch perfect (Ciarin Hinds brilliant, once again) and Daniel shows some chops and ably carries this film which did far better at the box office than anyone expected. Well worth a Halloween watch.
Sometimes a director decides to stop fucking around and just get down to business – no apologies and no remorse. That’s what Pete Travis does with “Dredd”. He removes the pretense of being just another “superhero” comic film; and makes one of the most mean-spirited, visually arresting and supernaturally violent films in a long time. Dredd is utterly incomparable with the Stallone version from the 90’s. While that film was still grounded in comic book cheesiness and “fun” (to some anyways…I hated it), this movie shares more DNA with nasty brooding Asian fare like “Hard Boiled” (or the film its most often compared to ~ Raid: The Redemption). It’s as close as you can get to watching a FPS video game being played out – with “boss levels” and seemingly impossible odds; all of which are dealt with in the most heinous and gratuitous fashion. And, as rookie (and psychically powered) Judge Anderson, Olivia Thirlby proves to be just as vicious as her senior partner – I cannot underline enough you don’t want this pretty little girl in your head. The scene where a guy tries to imagine a rape scenario with Anderson to shock her results in his literally pissing and shitting himself, by the time it all plays out. Anderson is pure predator and Dredd is a wrecking ball of justice and fury. Entertaining, sick and morally bankrupt, this was a favorite for me in 2012.
I struggled with deciding on a 5th place finisher. Honestly, there are a few films that could easily have made the # 5 spot (Cabin In The Woods, Haywire, Coriolanus, Snow White and the Huntsman most notably); so I used a simple test to decide which one would finally win out after going back and forth for the last month. My number 5 would have to be a movie I purchased after seeing…and one I gave enough of a fuck about to do a review on it. And that left me with “Salmon”. If you read my review, you already know why I love this simple, uplifting and quirky tale about an Autistic journalist who specializes in fish hatchery stories (and is enlisted by a Yemeni sheik to help design and build a river in the desert so the Arab community can share in the sheik’s passion for salmon fishing). Nothing about this movie makes sense – and that’s the fun. The entire idea is absurd…as is Ewan MacGregor’s perfect performance as one of the most unsettling people you’d never want to spend time around. But director Lasse Halstrom gives this movie so much heart that you wind up rooting for Ewan in the end (both for his chances at finding love with the equally broken Emily Blunt and his realization of the craziest engineering dream ever devised). Salmon Fishing In The Yemen is a beautiful movie with a great heart and a surprisingly uplifting message.
No ifs, ands or butts about it, this is powerhouse masterful filmmaking at its pinnacle. I had yet to really become a Nolan convert, The Dark Knight I didn’t fully understand until this year where I finally got to see it in IMAX. That answered a lot of questions about its majesty and while YES, that movie is fun, I’ve only seen it three times since it was released upon this earth. I saw Rises four fucking times in the theater alone, and yes I have the bluray but I hate the quick home release of movies these days. You still remember the theater going experience too well that it ultimately only hurts anything you watch at home that shortly after. That’s what made VHS so great, they wouldn’t come out for almost a year or more after they had been in theaters and all you recalled about them was a fleeting memory of how happy the movie made you and then you got to rediscover them all over again in this different format with the theatrical experience being to far away it didn’t ruin your home viewing experience. I don’t know when I will watch Rises at home, part of me wants to shut everything off and only watch it on a loop until I die, the other part asks me to wait, so I’ve only glimpsed parts of it here and there.
I’ve always loved Batman, the solace and integrity he breathes is something I wish I could exude one ounce of within the parameters of my own life. He’s the sort of human being I wish everyone was but realize no one can be. This to me is the first Batman to really show the importance of BATMAN, the sacrifice he’s made, what he’s capable of and what he means to the world. Every time I saw this I cried at different spots, it’s just such an overwhelming movie that honestly words escape me when talking about how it makes me feel. Every shot of the damn thing is wonderful, the pacing the action the power immense. In a year where most releases just showed up and were there and were nice and haha we enjoyed them…this thing will have lasting power and 100 years from now when we all speak Chinese and movies are implanted directly into our brain this motherfucker will still be discussed by movie dorks of the future.
God how fucking shitty did this movie look before it came out? I almost didn’t see it, now I can’t stop jamming it down everyone-I-fucking-knows throats, trying to explain just HOW GOOD IT FUCKING IS. I’m not gonna say I understand Jack Reacher, because I’ve never been trained to do shit except sit on my ass and bitch about movies, but his character….really, he’s a pacifist. He doesn’t want to end you, but if he has to he will take you to the ground. Cruise created probably the most interesting character of his career with this film and while ultimately it’s fucked up that they made this PG-13 accessible, it feels harder and less bitch-made than most R rated movies made these days. If you haven’t seen this yet, cut your fucking dick off.
I’ve always been curious about this book, I’m a mild reader. It takes me longer than it should for someone of my age to read a book so I never got around to reading it, but it’s the thought that counts, as mom always said. Ang Lee has always been a curious director to me. I realized that this is the first movie of his I actually saw in theaters (I saw Hulk in theaters but it was in the Caribbean and I was drunk and fell asleep 10 minutes into it). I took forever to see Crouching Tiger, but I was floored when I finally did. It’s probably the only wushu movie I’ve truly dug and outside of that The Ice Storm is his only other work that stuck with me. But man the trailers for this thing looked like a visual wonder, and like I said, I’m not an avid reader so visuals are important to me. Luckily, this had a deeper meaning behind it, it’s a movie about religion but not any particular religion. It’s about the religion of oneself and coming to grips with just how you see life and what matters to you and what makes you rise every day. There’s just something about men adrift at sea that brings the ultimate manliness, maybe it’s the despair and hardship and seclusion of it. This is powerful from all fronts, and it’s a cool kids movie, something you will have seen as a 10 year old that may shape you in ways you will never fully understand until you are 55 and you watch it again. It asks you to just question life, but never let your questions stop your momentum to live. Powerful powerful stuff, amazing that they gave Ang the sort of budget and support he got to bring this marvel of a tale to life, this movie could probably be watched on silent and still be as impactful.
Did I just say how important images were to me? Well here’s proof, while I dug the Hobbit, it’s fun but jesus I can never see myself relating to that movie on a personal level it’s an oddity/curiosity I may never understand the lure of but I am happy for the people that find that outlet. I’ve seen Wrath called ‘the worst movie of the year’ on lesser sites? I guess these guys made their lists before they saw Argo? While there has been a mild revisionist movement on Clash, ever since the slobs got over the shitty 3D showing they saw for free (something I feel will happen with top-tenner Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, in the years to come), I caught it again at home recently and found it to be a fun romp. But it’s hard to compare the two. In some instances Wrath is almost a beat-for-beat remake of Clash, there is little evolution from the initial plot/idea. Similar events happen and similar monsters are killed in a similar manner. But man I just dug the fuck out of this thing. It’s down and dirty and raw and the CGI monsters are amazing (god compare the monsters in this movie to that Jack The Giant Killer thing that’s been coming out for the past 3 years). This movie came out of nowhere really, I mean we knew Clash made enough to make a sequel but jesus did Lesbian fucking direct this and Battle: LA at the same time?
This is just a fun fucking movie. A man’s movie. I figure most people who don’t feel the intrinsic manliness steaming off this thing are probably too fucking man-child to ever truly get it. I love Greek mythology, and I’ve never seen it told with such a graceful-swings-from-a-large-set-of-brass-balls manner. This has been a year about redefining what it means to be a man (sorry women, like every other year in film, you get fucked….blame that Zero Dark Thirty bitch) and this movie is the cornerstone of that philosophy.
I honestly didn’t see shit in terms of indie/small films this year. Thank god. Maybe we are done with those fucking things for good and the only movies that pass before my eyeballs at theaters from here on in will be pure spectacle. But I do love small films ( I have Burning Man to watch, maybe had I seen that it would’ve made the list). I love the air of superiority smaller films can make any dweeb feel when they’ve seen them and explain to someone how much better and GRANDER and important the fucking Turin Horse is than Avengers…good for you. Though this year, nothing small really caught my attention. Nothing I felt strongly enough to seek out and make an effort to find….except….THE COLLECTION. As my biggest fans will recall, I was a die-hard fan of The Collector. I loved the fuck out of that film. I saw it back in aught nine, in a packed theater of ONE….and the legend continues. I saw The Collection on the last possible day I could to, yep that’s right…once again, in a theater of one. To get the blood pumping again I did rent The Collector mere days before seeing The Collection and fuck me if that shit didn’t play just as good at home the second time. It’s violent as FUCK maybe the most evil and mean movie as a whole as I’ve ever seen, but that great Rises actor Josh Stewart’s bad-guy-turned-good situation still felt so fresh and interesting. Also the style of the damn thing makes it maybe the most stylish gory movie ever made, it doesn’t glorify the gore…you feel it and it’s painful but it’s not all about show.
Now, The Collection….god I had a blast in that theater by myself. I was hootin’ and hollerin’ like an asshole, WHO CARED IF I WAS THE ONLY ONE THERE???! Now I may have gotten a little too drunk beforehand because by about halfway I was fucking blitzed and can’t fully recall the second half of the movie, I just remember it was probably the funniest movie going experience I had all year. I wasn’t black out drunk so don’t give me that shit, I was just over my limit but I remember the credits and some other shit. It was tons of fun.
Honorable Mention: The Hunger Games
Liam Neeson wins Man of the Year in my book. He returned as ex-CIA dad Brian Mills in TAKEN 2, popped up in a DARK KNIGHT RISES flashback, and reprised his role as Zeus in WRATH OF THE TITANS. Then there was this zinger, which feels like it came out ages ago but was actually released in January 2012. Neeson is John Ottway, a sharpshooter working for some major oil concern in Nowheresville, Alaska—and whose emotional problems run deeper than director Joe Carnahan lets on at first. A plane crash dumps Ottway and a gaggle of other “felons and assholes” in the cold, unforgiving wild without any means of communication. When a resident wolf pack threatens the interlopers, Ottway and company must hoof it through the elements or die. If the plane crash didn’t kill you, the wolves still might. Then there’s hypoxia, hypothermia, starvation, and drowning. Fun stuff. Very existential. Any movie that starts with the hero sucking on a gun and ends with him lashing knives and broken bottles to his fists so he can PUNCH WOLVES more effectively fuckin’ rules.
We couldn’t have asked for a more solid conclusion to Chris Nolan’s Batman trilogy, which reinvented the DC Comics character for today’s cynical / mature crowd. Christian Bale returns as Bruce Wayne, who’s been in hiding for most of the eight years following the events of THE DARK KNIGHT. But the arrival of mercenary Bane nudges Bruce out of retirement and back into the cowl for a battle he may not survive. Nolan (and brother Jonathan) pace this thing just right. Plot holes? Maybe a couple if you bother hunting, but all in all it looks—and feels—great onscreen. One gets a sense of the “greater good” after watching this film. You know, that whole Spock-Zen bit about the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Great turns from everyone involved: Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, even Anne Hathaway.
I’ll admit this one’s almost too cute for its own good. But I really enjoyed Mark Duplass’ little indie rom-com with a time travel twist. Aubrey Plaza is terrific as Darius, a sad sack intern who accompanies jaded magazine reporter Jake Johnson on a trip to investigate the mystery man behind a fascinating classified ad. It’s no surprise when Darius hooks up with kooky Kenneth, but just about everything after is.
Not my favorite Wes Anderson movie. But for me Wes Anderson movies are like pizzas. They’re never bad; they’re just varying degrees of good. Instead of focusing on more adult misfits (ROYAL TENENBAUMS, DARJEELING LIMITED) or animals (FANTASTIC MR. FOX) the King of Quirk sets his sights on kids. The story follows the parallel—and intersecting—paths of a geeky boy scout and a brooding girl on an island in New England circa 1965. Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, and Bruce Willis are the adults / parents with credible “big people” problems. And hey, the narrator is Bob Balaban—the guy who helped program HAL-9000 and get Roy Neery on a spaceship!
The twenty-third James Bond film is a flawed gem. Director Sam Mendes does so many good things during the first act, from “killing” 007 and setting up his “resurrection” to subjecting Dame Judy Dench to the terrorism of Javier Bardem’s phantom menace. He also wraps things up nicely, bringing gadget-man (okay, quartermaster) Q and secretary Moneypenny back to MI6. But the midsection is sluggish and derivative and the ending anticlimactic; Daniel Craig’s super-agent lets himself be tracked to his Scottish estate, where he plays HOME ALONE with Bardem’s baddies. There’s a lot of firsts here for the 007 canon. Moneypenny is an African-American hottie who at least makes a go at field work, and Q is a young hipster computer genius. Bardem’s villain is as gay as he is gruesome—but he’s underused. Can you even remember his name at this point? His entrance is grand, but it doesn’t occur until the seventy-minute mark.
Coming out of The Dark Knight Rises with a blistering hard-on that lasted for 8 solid days, I thought it impossible for anything to knock it from the top…but then came CLOUD ATLAS, truly the most ambitious large-budget film ever made. There’s so much fucking shit going on, with tones, styles, and performances all over the place, it shouldn’t work…but it does. It works fucking marvelously. The threads weave together seamlessly, creating an immersive, truly monumental experience. Everything pays off in the end. You realize the most mundane details were there for a purpose, hinting at something bigger, something important. And that’s the greatest takeaway I got from it, it’s an important film. One that not only poses the big questions, but one that leads us onto the path to answer them. It’s really a love-letter to the human experience; shining a light on why we’re here, what consequences our actions have, and how that is all shaped and informed by love or the absence of it…truly the greatest legacy we leave behind. And it’s not all sugary shit. Cloud Atlas pulls no punches. It portrays the world as a dangerous, vile place, one where oppression wreaks havoc on good people and a choice must be made, whether to sit back and accept ones fate, or do something to make a difference; no matter how seemingly insignificant, the choices we make trickle down through the generations. We are the architects of our own fate. It’s not religion or government, it’s us….the human race. A mind-bending fucking film I spent days discussing and masturbating over. The Wachowski Starship slide big fucking philosophical notions under the facade of slick populist entertainment and you’re left with something thought provoking and unforgettable. After the third viewing I was certain, not only did this take the top spot for the year, it also took a prominent seat on my all-time Top 10. Hugh Grant 4EVER!!!!!!!
Yeah, you know the story….a superb close to one of the greatest motion picture trilogies ever made. Nolan at his finest, playing with a gigantic fucking canvas, throwing everything at us he’s got. This is a film that reminds us there is no substitute for the theatrical experience. The scale is vast, the symbolism universal….a true epic in every sense of the word, built on the shaft of probably the only performer of our age graced with balls big enough to support the foundation….CHRISTIAN BALE. The most amazing thing about this fucking series is the fact that every film got better, and Nolan single-handedly destroyed the comic book genre. Never again will comic films be this grand, this timeless, this emotionally potent…well, maybe never again until Man of Fucking Steel, we’ll see.
As the year wore on, I was intrigued to find similarities in so many of my top picks. Maybe it’s what I needed most at this point in my life, but I found it to be a banner year for hard-hitting spiritual films that almost transcend cinema. I can pull similar themes from many of my favorites, with Cloud and Pi being the two closest bedfellows. Both of them deal heavily with the power of storytelling, and the way in which the mythology of the human struggle is what leads us to create some kind of belief system…or religion, if you will. The interesting thing about Life of Pi is how generous of a film it is, putting the power in the hands of the individual to decide what they wish to take from it. Now you can argue every film does this, but Pi takes it one step further. In the powerful close, Pi himself leaves it up to The Writer (you) to decide what he wants to take from his story. Is it simply a tale of a boy and a tiger stranded on a lifeboat together or is it something more? Some see this as a powerfully religious film, highlighting that in his darkest moments of despair, Pi turned to God, and God was there to answer, to push him forward and give him hope. And others, see it as a film that puts the power in the individual. It wasn’t religion that allowed him to overcome the brutality and the struggle, it was the power within himself. Something that was always there, bubbling under the surface, awaiting the call to RISE. Something animalistic that gave him strength and carved a path home. This is a film about unlocking our true potential. What we specifically believe in has little consequence, what matters is that we BALEIEVE in something….something to push us to a breaking point and realize our existence is no fluke, our mortality is not to be taken lightly. It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about Pi Patel, Bruce Wayne or Sunmi 451, we all have the potential to do good, if only we’d answer the call and find the way. Anyway….great fucking film, and HOLY SHIT DOES IT FUCKING LOOK GOOD. Another one that was made for the big-screen. I’m sure there’s still magic to be had experiencing it in the comfort of your own home, but really….if you missed this in the theater then fuck off.
Joe Carnahan is a gigantic asshole but he makes good films….for men. This shit is about as manly as it gets. The classic Man VS Nature survival formula rooted in the power and belief (once again) in ONESELF. I don’t give a flying fuck about Liam Neeson, and I’m glad the retards were disappointed when they didn’t get 2 hours of him playing grab-ass with wolves. This is some deeply moving shit, showing us it doesn’t matter whether or not you go down, as long as you go down fighting. And nice job on that poem, Joe…cocksucker.
I don’t give a shit about the Russian fuck that made this. I saw some of his Night Watch bullshit and wrote him off as a nobaaaawdy. Now I’m not saying the action in this is much better, it’s that typical kung-fu vampire bullshit. The thing is, there’s not much of it, and the action isn’t what kept my balls nailed to the floor-boards. What grabbed me most was the surprisingly powerful telling of Lincoln’s story, and the impressive performance put in by that throbbing-cunt-annihilator Ben Walker. I thought the courting of Mary Todd in particular was handled handsomely, especially in this loud dumb thing that shouldn’t give a fuck about that kind of emotional subtlety. It’s tender and it’s sweet, and the chemistry between Mahogany Cock and Winstead is smokin’. I walked out wondering, why the fuck would anyone give a shit about an actual Lincoln movie after this? I mean the Gettysburg address was right on. Powerful, stoic, beautifully shot. It can’t get much better than that. I should’ve followed my instincts. Instead I wasted precious hours of my life on that soulless piece of placental explusion Spielberg dumped on us a few months later. It’s ludicrous, I know, but his star-studded/Oscar-baity, supposedly ‘hard-hitting’ 13 Amendment procedural lacked all semblance of balls and heart in comparison. It’s as if he saw all the iconic Lincoln shit in Vampire Hunter and said, okay….now let’s do the made-for-tv in-between stuff, let’s have him sitting in offices and staring at Bill Seward’s dick for 2 hours and fucktard Americans will eat it up. Let’s take away all sense of an actual human being and make him a rambling dead-eyed caricature instead. I mean….WHAT THE FAWWWWWK? It still blows me away. The fact that a fucking vampire movie directed by a dog-breathed Russkie can capture more iconically patriotic Lincoln moments than a film directed by The Berg? Jesus…it’s a sad day in America indeed. Maybe it’s representative of the world we live in, where the global romanticism of the American dream is as powerful as ever, yet the artists and shot-callers actually living in the fucking place are disillusioned and worn down, so they continue to pump out this drab uninspiring shit that second-guesses our seat on the throne. Fuck them. Fuck Spielberg. Ben Walker is a hissing-cock among cowards.
God bless you all.

I still don’t really know what to say about this one. Neeson gives us his finest performance since Schindler’s List and Carnahan takes us on the most visceral ride I can remember in years. Even from the trailers I never expected Neeson to battle wolves, but I also didn’t expect such a brutal and honest depiction of mankind’s battle against fate, of which we all have very little control over in the end. It’s a shame this was released in January because it will be all but forgotten come Oscar time and this film deserves Oscars up the ass.
I had no idea what to expect going into this one. With the title I was expecting plenty of cheese and non-stop flashy theatrics as seeing this is from the same guy who made Wanted. But what I didn’t expect was a film where the best moments come from the quiet exchanges between Abe and Mary and a film with more heart and soul than any of the Oscar bait films I watched this season. In a year with two Lincoln movies, who could have guessed the one made by Spielberg would pale in comparison to the vampire hunter one.
So I couldn’t understand most of what future Hanks was saying and I would’ve watched a three hour movie centering around Irish Hanks, and I’m not even sure I enjoyed the 1970’s storyline all that much, but there really has never been anything like this in the history of cinema. In 50 years this will be the Citizen Kane of the millennial generation. The Neo Seoul sequence is probably my favorite piece of filmmaking in years. It’s dense as hell and I’ll be catching things I didn’t notice before on my sixth, seventh and all future viewings.
I was lukewarm to the first movie and thought the second one was the worst movie the year it came out so imagine my surprise when five minutes into the latest adventures of Jay and Kay I’m completely engrossed in the world they’ve created. A great memorable villain and one of the best performances of the year from Josh Brolin and an ending that is both creative as hell and surprisingly heartfelt makes this the rare third movie in a trilogy that surpasses the ones before it.
I really didn’t know what to put in the fifth spot. I must have swapped out a dozen movies before deciding that this new and improved vision of Dredd was what I wanted in an R-rated splatterfest. Karl Urban plays the role pitch perfect and his sidekick is so unbelievably smoking hot I was hoping they would squeeze in a little gratuitous nudity as well. And the whole thing was packaged in a perfectly paced 90 minutes.
Jesus, where to start? This movie just hit every single note with me. I haven’t been this in love with a movie or should I say the feeling I have when I watch this movie since say The Empire Strikes Back way back when. If somebody would’ve told me ten years ago I’d be in love with a trilogy of Batman films I would’ve told them to get fucked because y’know, fuck comic books. Bane just destroys Ledger’s Joker as a villain. And Zimmer’s score fucking kills. There’s one bit where all it is is a droning note for like five minutes but the industrial sound of it just creates so much fucking tension and uneasiness. And like Richard Roeper says, the last five minutes are the most satisfying of the year, if not my life. I’ve watched it 11 times and I still tear up when Bruce does the slight nod. Magic.
Honestly though, I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like this about movies again. I should quit while I’m ahead and just stop watching these fucking things.
One of the most ambitious films I’ve seen since I don’t know when. The definition of an epic film yet contains some of the most beautiful little personal moments. Beautiful and heartbreaking.
Thank Allah for Tom Cruise for coming back to save us from that shithole MI4. Great movie, Cruise is having fun. Snappy bits of dialog. Great car chase with little hints of Way of the Gun here and there. Nice to see the Days of Thunder reunion with Duvall. And fucking Herzog BWAHAHAHAHAHA love it.
“I am going to beat you to death and drink your blood from a boot.”
Visually what the fuck Ang Lee? The Golden Chink can do no wrong. Shit is just crazy. Still speechless.
Pure. Magic.
Thank Dickblood for the ‘AIBN Group Fellatio Award’ for this film. What a fucking surprise. Young Liam Neeson fucking NAILS it. Killer score. Fun as fuck.
Professional lists. Some great flicks – and it’s awesome to see The Grey and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter get so much love considering the rest of the world now pretends they never existed (especially those fuck-nugget Academy members).
We almost need a separate thread that deeply explains why only one person on this list added Skyfall and not a single AIBN pig-fucker put Prometheus out there…which is good, because if they had, I would find their grandmother (living or dead, I don’t care) and take a dump in her gaping maw.
Pete put Skyfall on there because he’s only seen those five films this year. I was skimming through that shitfest last night and the good bits added up to about 136 seconds, all of them containing Ralph and Ben.
Stunt, by “slight nod” are you referring to the end where Alfred sees him at the cafe?
Great lists. I might have to watch The Grey again. So I remember how to die. And live.
Still gotta check out Cloud Atlas, Reacher, Collector, Pi, and a bunch of other shit.
Yeah, you haven’t seen Atlas or Pi? No wonder your list sucks ass.
Yeah, I can’t watch Life of Pi…animals hurting or dying ruins me. It makes me want to kill myself. I find myself staring at my beloved 12 year old mutt knowing her days are short and just wanting to go hide in a hole.
But Atlas I’m gonna buy and watch – it sounds like something worth owning.
Am I the only one that thought Abe had some bad ass action moments. Like that buggy busting through the wall and then pulling a doughnut. Also that ugly fuck who YOU KNEW was going to betray him, didn’t I liked that. The team aspect.
I can’t even get through those fucking Sarah McLachlan commercials showing dogs in cages. Jesus. I’m sure Pi is gold – trailer looked amazing….I just can’t do animals in pain or peril.
I’m sensitive to animal shit too but it wasn’t like that….there isn’t much Richard Parker suffering on display. The darkest moments, a cunt hair away from death are very brief.
I thought the saddest shit was the zebra with a broken leg. Just such a fucked up scenario….this giant creature just sitting there unable to move, waiting to drop.
No, I did like the Abe action…..the whole train bit was fun, and I liked all the training sequence shit, especially when Uday Hussein taunts him with the death of his mother and gets him to chop that fucking tree in two. I wasn’t full on shitting on the action, I was just saying I didn’t really give a fuck about it…that’s not where the film’s strengths lie. Even though there isn’t much of it, it could’ve had even less and it would’ve been fine….but then again, maybe it was just right. The vampire stuff balanced out the tender stuff….we didn’t get too much of either, so neither overstayed their welcome. All clit-dick, no chaser.
Dynamite lists, chaps.
Appreciate it.
Since we were all taking about drowning earlier – greatest drowning scene ever? My vote goes to Kurt Russell in Poseidon.
That’s also the funniest drowning scene ever.
Try this one.
Ben Affleck’s integrity in Argo.
I’d vote for Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio’s in Abyss. I know she didn’t die….but fuck…Ed holding her and watching her go. And that pale ass blue skin. Would’ve been such a loss….saying farewell to that mesmerizing thicket of pubic hair, forever. Still gets me.
Somebody do a whole somber piece on drowning death in films….
HOD, fucking asshole’s perfect for it.
Gotta add The Grey, Titanic, The Abyss, Poseidon, The Prestige, Casino Royale…and the hands down single handedly greatest drowning ever: CREEPSHOW.
What the fuck happened in Creepshow? The raft bit?
I guess Moby Dick would be there too….epic death.
Maybe I’ll do a drowning article. It will cheer me up a bit.
Oh! Cape Fear. FUCK YA. De Niro glaring as he sinks below….
But don’t put the tits before the hog, Abom…let’s figure it out.
There’s gotta be more out there.
Technically, fucking Doc Octopus, right?
See…there’s a lot of them that are just the fucking dead-eyed sinking into the void kinda thing with no struggle.
I think that’s why Grey hit so much harder, there’s an actual struggle.
Ted Danson’s drowning murder is still fucking priceless.
What about Swayze in Point Break? Does that count?
And let’s please give a nod to Natalie Wood – she took the role too far.
Naww…see Point Break is bullshit. I don’t count people just disappearing into the sea, I wanna see actual fucking human suffering on the face.
FUCK….I think the worst one I ever saw:
The Omen II with that kid scratching from the underside of the ice. Fucking horrible.
…or the grasping hands of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor – frantic…then still.
Yeah, I didn’t give a shit about the Pearl Harbor death….they’re just faceless pieces of meat.
I hate you.
Atheists rejoice…in THE GREY http://consolationsofatheism.blogspot.com/2012/02/consolation-fifteen-grey.html
The guys in The Perfect Storm or that cop in Stallone’s “Daylight”.
Daylight ruled…asshole critics.
Fuck. Did anyone see the Drew Peterson joint with Rob Lowe? I wonder if that has a decent bathtub drowning…
Atheists – I hope I can see the look of surprise on their faces…IN HELL.
Dennis Quaid in Pandorum. Needed to be more
lingering, though.
Wait, so Cloud, Pi, AND Grey are all just atheist hymns? Wild.
See here, Pete….there’s another sick soul out there that shares your fetish…
Worthless answers though, as usual.
Vesper in Casino Royale 2006.
The water chamber deaths in The Prestige…starring BALE.
In Creepshow, Leslie Nielson buries Ted Danson up to his neck on the beach so that the tide will drown him. Zombie Ted returns the favor later.
Oh yeah, the crippled cop in Daylight. That was a heartwrencher.
What about Martin Riggs’ trim, don’t we see her take a lungful?
Yeah in some cases it’s tough to tell whether they actually drowned, or whether their corpses just ended up in the water. Or you have implied drownings, like Bodhi in Point Break. How about the chick in open water? I suppose I wouldn’t count that as a drowning as much as I would a resignation to death / invitation for the sharks to kill her. Although it could be argued that she went under with the intent to drown herself before that happened. I don’t know. It’s up in the air. Actually no, it’s under the water. Fuck it.
Oh you had to bring up Open Water…one of my favorite full-bush shots.
Glorious. Thing probably smells like fucking fabric softener.
If you’re going to drown people, DO IT ALL AMERICAN STYLE!
Isn’t there something with an 80s model type….with bright red lips and heels, she sorta looks like the girls in the Addicted To Love music video, but she’s naked, she has full bush, trapped under ice or some kind of clear platform that’s blocking her escape….she’s pounding on the blockade, trying to get out….we hold on her face as the last bubbles of life leave her and she floats by us out of focus….I remember those bright red lips and the sound as she dies…sort of a distant reverbed whale call thing. Weird.
Oh no, nevermind….I just realized that’s a recurring dream I’ve been having for several years, not a scene.
Didn’t Deep Star Six have some killer drownings?
Mel Gibson getting fucking plunged over and over in his tour de force Conspiracy Theory.
Also what about “Your gonna die screaming” bit from The Long Kiss Goodnight?
Pretty much all of The Big Blue.
Dude Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio popped up in Grimm recently.
OHHHHH FUCK YEAH one of my favorite fight scenes of all time, JET LI IN LETHAL WEAPON 4! You wonder if Mel has drowned someone in real life.
I always had a thing for Mastrantantanrantonionio. That’s MAJOR PUSSY right there, son.
Abom, when you put this shit together, you sure as fuck better embed this gem…
Jesus ABOM keep that shit on the internet where you can hide behind a fake alias.
Man I still find it odd that any man that’s ever had to work with their hands can connect to Moonrise Kingdom.
Fuck’s sake Koutch no Ghost Rider 2?
You soppy cunt.
It’s a strong top ten.
Bad ass shit, bro.
How fucking terrified was Caine when he first stepped foot on that batcave set?
Yeah, another fucking thing no one mentioned is the fact that douchehole Daniel Day looks a strong 5’11 in Lincoln, while Ben Walker actually looks kinda tall….WOW!
Al Gore….putting the reason in “treason”.
Punk ass bitch.
For fucks sake, go save the ozone layer instead Gore
I’m watching The Five Year Engagement. Jesus I want to cave Emily Blunt’s face in with a polo mallet.
Fuck…now I gotta go find Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter; some high praise above, from voices I trust.
But I’m with Cheetoh…can’t deal with Animals being snuffed, but people…snuff them out by the bushel in a film and I’ll laugh with every last breathe while shoving Hot Tamales up my dates backdoor.
Very nice to see Cloud Altas feature on many of the lists here. I still haven’t seen it. Haven’t even seen a trailer or read a review on it cause that one I know I’ll wanna go in fresh on.
Going to have to check out some of these I missed. Like The Grey and Life of Pi. And even though I see the good words for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I don’t know if I could sit through that. Or even Spielberg’s Lincoln for that matter. To tell the truth a Lincoln film that straddled the line between Vampire Hunter and straightforward period piece.
Or if he were hunting reptiles instead…
Great read. Thanks for putting this together.
Fuck yeah, Will.
Just absolutely….FUCK YEAH, in every imaginable way.
Scrolling back up to that shot in Cloud Atlas… man that just looks great. Should’ve been a Thanksgiving or Christmas release.
God, what a shit year for cinema.
anyone gonna watch the globes?
let’s see I’ve seen exactly 2 movies from all the lists, Skyfall and Jack Reacher and they both were terrible.
Since when does Bond have an Alfred? Why do the writers feel the need to inject parent issues and a back story into Bond? It’s unneeded he’s James Bond he’s a hammer for Queen and Country. he travels around the world fucking hot chicks in exotic locales and beats the bad guys that’s it. i did like that they showed the damage done to Bond that was interesting.The Eurasian chick was smoking hot also.
Reacher, I have to ask what happened to you McQuaire? You created two of the best noir crime flicks of the last 20 years and the best you could come with was this boring dreary uninteresting paint by numbers flick? good job dude you sold your soul to The Cruiser and look what happened.
Yeah that Reacher score was solid as fuck. Damn good flick.
Though it is funny how Bond has been nominated for some Awards and the Human Buffet is most likely going to win the Oscar for least popular Bond song of all time, when Skyfall features much more childish and silly shit than anything in Nolan’s Batman Triumphant finale, which was nominated for 0 Oscars. I feel like as a whole the Oscar are just some giant inside joke this year. I mean Argo is looking to walk away with Best Score, when is doesn’t even have a score? And at best Silver Linings Playbook will walk away with the four acting, writing/directing/movie awards making it the most important movie of a generation and also killing dead any notion that the Oscars matter.
It’s nice when something I liked is recognized, but I just don’t put that much stock into any of it. At the end of the day, the Oscars, Grammy, Tonys, Globes, etc are all a big circle jerk. Ever have an awards recognition ceremony at your place of employment? It’s like that. You make up some BS criteria, give out silly trophies, and yank each others’ cocks for a bit.
Happy Birthday Christian Bale, the world is more professional because of you.