Comments (13)
  1. Well it’s not like it’s made by some blogger douchebags….it’s fucking Phil Joanou….the man who gave us the great GRIDIRON GANG. It’s a real production, they just have to say the ‘fan film’ thing as in UN-official.


  2. Totally. It’s an extremely rare case where an actor actually cares about a character as much as that fuck.

    If someone offered Robert Downey Jr. 100 mill to quit the Avengers/Iron films and publicly shit on them for the rest of his life, he absolutely would. None of these colonics give a fuck about the work they do….it’s just a product.

    Jane has been crashing on David Arquette’s fucking couch for two fucking years and he still gives a shit, even though he has no reason to. He’ll never financially gain anything from this. Especially with Marvel getting the Punisher rights back recently, which crushed my soul to learn. Imagine how fucking lame that shit would be. Jesus. Frank Castle’ll be a 5 foot 3 metrosexual.

  3. I love the kid looking at the shirt as Frank drives off….

    Really iconic moment.

    I’d love to see a feature like this. Frank living in absolute shit squalor….a drifter now. Passes through some shithole wasteland overrun by thugs and street gangs. No central villain. Just pure fucking carnage. They can just base the shit on Death Wish 3.

    Really, who gives a fuck….just make it a different character. Don’t even give him a name.

  4. No….War Zone was fine. I like the look of it a lot….and Ray’s always good. The schtick just tires itself out about halfway through. But watching just one action sequence at a time, yeah…it’s well done.

    But I thinkTom was born for the role, and I prefer the tone of Hensleigh’s film overall. Budget limitations cut shit a little too short….like the car chase sequence should’ve been long and brutal as fuck….not just a few slams and a flip. And he should’ve had about a dozen more guys to gun down in the finale.

    They’re both fun in their own way.

    But Marvel getting control of the character, and Stevenson’s film making about 18 dollars….yeah, they don’t even know who the fuck he is.

    They’ll hire some Taylor Kitsch looking motherfucker eventually.

    I think the most interesting thing to come outta War Zone was Lexi Alexander. She has a solid grasp on old school action. I’d like to see her do more action revenge….except she should hire Denzel for the lead… fill the screen as well as her freshly waxed cunt.

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