This movie is right in the middle for me. It’s too fucking good to be DTV but it doesn’t quite measure up to being a theatrical feature. It’s the kind of movie you’d like to watch in the back of the family minivan while a hooker performs a Rusty Trombone on you for a solid ninety minutes.

Just sayin’.

Right off the bat this film screams “PAYBACK 2!!!” right into your face with the narration, which is sometimes funny and sometimes groan inducing. Like I said earlier: middle. He is kind of dumb like Porter as evidenced by the beginning when he decides he’d rather be arrested in Mexico than America. Huh?

There are parts of the film that remind me of Tony Scott, particularly Man On Fire. Well, not really I mean it’s got that sepia color to a lot of it so much so that the cgi blood splats look like beef gravy or the cunt juice of Dr. Joyce Brothers. Keen viewers will notice three motherfuckers from Man On Fire which is cool in a Mexican kind of way. Unfortunately the guy doesn’t get a bomb up the ass BUT that other fuck gets his toes chopped off. Well he got his fingers chopped off in MoF so…… same shit, different pile.

It’s all shot on video which at some points reminds you of a Mann film for about 1.5 seconds.

Overall it’s 2.5 out of 5. Good effort but if you want to jack off to a recent Mel film, I’d suggest Edge Of Darkness.




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