Comments (19)
  1. Holy cum-squirting-tits, Batman!

    Paying to see this trailer on the bigscreen thursday at midnight. There’s some goofy superhero movie following directly after, as a bonus.

    • Tis true.

      I’m still not too hot on Qui-Gon-Ninja-Master and his use of the word ‘FEAR’ every 30 seconds.

      Also, Batman’s a bit too cape-swoopy….every time he has to walk down like three fucking steps– SWOOOOOOOOOOOP with the cape glide.

      Thinking about it now, I’d like to see a Phantom Edit with the Begins childhood flashbacks and the prison opening/training in Nepal sprinkled throughout TDK. Sorta like a Godfather Novel for Television restructuring.

  2. The first minute was so quiet ?!? Sounds like they retooled Bane’s voice also. But I gotta say, that music gives me a big chubby, that swell at the end when the title card comes up, glorious. Bale has triumphed.

  3. I liked the “it’s not a car” bit. It needed a bit of Bat/Cat humorous interplay. This looks to be the Catwoman from Hush, that serves as an edgier Robin (also much better at fellatio).

  4. Anyone else see that Whedon article about his Batman film that never was?

    Bruce Wayne, aged 12, saves a girl from being mugged/bullied in an alley. He emerges from the fight unscathed. Tells Alfred he’s ready to do something.

    I have no words…

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